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AUTHORS >> max deveraux

Max MAX DEVERAUX is an American writer who lives in Southern California.


Max took up writing as a challenge by one of his favorite authors and after having written For All $He’s Worth, he remains true as a moral alchemist.


Max has spent many a day pondering the insatiable human spirit, thus far he thinks he has gotten remarkably close.



For All $He’s Worth 


The reader will find in the novel FOR ALL $HE’S WORTH an opener in the intricacies of the marital institution and relationship to the USA legal system.


The ignorance of not knowing the real modern outcomes of divorces can be costly and sometimes deadly.
Seven individual nightmarish divorce cases intermingle through a series of futuristic computer simulations heading us into this crime story. Arlie through her own investigative reporting takes us into the annals of the US legal system to reveal the strange turns of events to an unexpected


As the first paragraph of the Prologue states: “This is a work of fiction. It is not autobiographical nor are the situations described herein about the life of any real person. Any similarities to specific people or situations are unintentional, and prove the point that it could happen to any of us.”
He gives us an imprint, an energy that draws us straight into the lives of the seven protagonists, who span from lives of circumstantial routine, work commitments, family duties and just plain greed. They all emerge at one point or another in front of a court of law.

Max keeps us turning those pages until it all merges into finding out who-did-it. With a profound and introspective narrative, Max Deveraux describes the intricate legal matters in divorce proceedings. He establishes an easy relationship between real and the fairy-tale-dream we’ve come to
believe about marriage.

Novel: Thriller, Fiction 219pp
Price: US$ 19.95
Published: Published 2018
Available Formats: Soft-Cover; E-book
Rights sold: USA
(Bellucci, Palms & Carmichael Publishing, LLC.)
Rights available: World, all languages and territories, Film/TV, digital/audio/media.

“I will reveal the intricacies and explore the labyrinth of academia,
technology, moral failure and justice.


By the end of this journey one will think twice about marriage, three times about divorce and at least once about murder.”

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“We are pleasure to publish Max Deveraux FOR ALL $HE’S WORTH.

The author painstakingly describes the emotions and thoughts of the protagonists with a fluid and realistic prose capable of instantly capturing the reader.

In contemporary fiction, Max has a literary sensitivity full of sincere deep feelings and is certainly one, with a
wonderful deep heartfelt voice".

Bellucci, Palms & Carmichael Publishing LLC.

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